Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy Anniversary Huntington Woods Public Library!

Hello All!

I want to wish a Happy 50th Anniversary to the Huntington Woods Library ( This was my home away from home for over 10 years of my life, and started me on my career in librarianship.

My family moved to Huntington Woods in the summer of 1973, when I was 9 and going into the fourth grade. Soon after we moved in, I found out the library was in walking and/or biking distance (4 blocks) with no "busy" streets to cross--I could go by myself or with my sister! This changed my life--I could go almost anytime, and though I don't remember the amount of books I could take out, it was enough to make me happy. I also don't remember participating in any other activities than the summer reading program, but that was enough.

Two weeks after I turned 16, in August 1980, I was hired by the Huntington Woods Library as a page, to shelve the books, among other tasks. I was a page for four years, and then, while in college, I became a circulation clerk. I did that for three years.

To name drop, I worked for Virginia Platter at the beginning, then for Shelley Gach Droz and with Elizabeth Levin Gulick for the last several years I was there.

I left the Huntington Woods Library in spring 1987, to embark on several job and career adventures that did not end up being as steady and as much like "home" as the library.

I saw the light in spring 1990, quit my job at that time, and by fall I was enrolled at Wayne State University in their Library Science Program. I could not escape the fate that was probably decided at 16, quite possibly as early as when I was 9. I became a librarian.

I have since worked at the Romeo District Library in Washington, MI for 14 years (, and now with the Pima County Public Library in Tucson, AZ for over two years ( I have worked with all ages of patrons, and I am still one of those librarians who love to read and talk about books with people more than anything.

Happy Anniversary to Huntington Woods Library, and best wishes for the next 50 years!!!

Happy Reading!
Patti (Cheney) O'Brien

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