Friday, May 27, 2016

FridayReads for May 27, 2016

Happy #FridayReads!

I am so happy that the books I ordered from Aunt Agatha’s arrived yesterday!

A USEFUL WOMAN by Darcie Wilde (signed!) (first in a new Regency mystery series)

KILLER COCKTAIL by Tracy Kiely (I loved the first in this series, MURDER WITH A TWIST)

VANILLA BEANED by Jenn McKinlay (a very fun series set in Scottsdale, AZ)

I also picked up DETROIT HUSTLE: A MEMOIR OF LOVE, LIFE & HOME by Amy Haimerl from the library. You can take the girl out of Detroit, but you can’t take the Detroit out of the girl!

I finished DESIGN FOR DYING by Renee Patrick Thursday morning. Old Hollywood glamour with a murder thrown in, and assistance with sleuthing from Edith Head—I should have saved it for the weekend too!

So, as you can guess, I’ll be reading this weekend. What are you reading, and what are you up to this weekend?

Happy Reading!

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