Monday, July 21, 2008

Finally Catching Up on Reading Free Books!

Hi All!

Via DorothyL, I have entered contests to win free books. I have also, as a librarian, given my card to authors at various conventions, and as a result, have also received books. Currently, I am receiving Advanced Reading Copies of books from HarperCollins as a result of attending a Readers' Advisory program, and meeting publishers' representatives to the library market. Here, I write about some titles I've received (this was also posted to DorothyL).

Gosh, I'm kind of embarrassed to be so kindly given several free books over the last SIX(!) months, and then not getting around to reading them--good grief!

In the order I read them:

Robert Fate's Baby Shark: Robert was kind enough to send me the third in this series to my former library (which they sent on to me). When I emailed that I'd be tracking down the first to read them in order, Robert sent me the first also! What a sweetheart! I thought Baby Shark was one tough cookie, who went through a lot in her young life. I admired the strength and growth as she chose that path over a path of withdrawing into herself. I have no problems with her career choice, nor the revenge that had to be exacted in this book. I look forward to seeing where Baby Shark goes from here.

Louise Ure's The Fault Tree: I received this as part of a Readers' Advisory workshop where Louise was speaking (& signing!). I enjoyed this book of a very independent blind woman, who also is in a non-traditional career; she's an auto mechanic.

Leighton Gage's Blood of the Wicked: I won this as part of Mr. Gage's tour last January. Everyone seems to have a wicked side in Brazil--this was part of the book, and also true, as per Mr. Gage's talk at his signing. Even the hero, at some point in his career, looked the other way or participated in activities that went against his good side. I'm sure that there are many good people in Brazil, and I know that it's a beautiful country, but I'm not sure I want to visit there :).

Steven Torres' The Concrete Maze: Steven sent this to me I think in December (sorry to be so late reading this, Steven!), when he was giving away copies of this book. Boy, New York City and its boroughs are definitely a concrete maze, and the main character, Marc, and his uncle drive through them over and over to solve the kidnapping of Marc's young teenage cousin. This is another book that portrays a place as evil, with very few good people in it. Now I need to get back to Steven's Precinct Puerto Rico series!

There was a lot of vengence in these books, not an aspect I always like in crime fiction, but it definitely made for interesting reading. I thank the above authors for their kindness in gifting me with their books, and sharing good and interesting writing with me.

I promise that if I I am lucky enough to win another contest, or to receive another book from an author, that I will read it in a more timely manner :)!

Go forth and investigate these books!

Happy Reading!


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